Bacon ipsum is fun, but it's time for that to go. I'll put some text here soon for us to talk about.
A few things I've noticed in Chromosome View...
- Chromosome Icon isn't green when we're on chromosome view. Here's a screengrab:
![screenshot 2013-11-14 17 48 47](https://f…
Great work on the eFP browser so far, Hans! Here are some items for the to do list:
See mockup at bottom of post. I think it should be locked into that position, and not move if the user…
Minecraft Version: 1.6.4
Forge Version:
Galacticraft Versions: and later
In short, electrical wire properties (max. amperes and ohms) have no effect in the network tra…
jason@aip logged this while stress testing the webapp
ThaleMine prod logged this Exception to the intermine.log file while we were running JMETER to stress the application. This error indicates that …
My ideal script would have the text the same, but not kick the player out of the dialogue repeatedly. Right now, players are constantly walking off because they think the tutorial is over and then get…
U of T (2 jobs: (1) ecology and (2) aquatic ecology and environmental science): Oct 23
York: Nov 1
Applicants should send (as hard copy only) a curriculum vitae, an outline of their research plans,…
The spec says there should be a list of categories for offers/ requests, but doesn't specify the list.
USE THE TRELLO PIXEL BOARD INSTEAD!! https://trello.com/b/vwuE9fbO/habitrpg-pixel-art
This Github Thread is now permanently closed. Feel free to unsubscribe.... a…
While dying is a sound concept in gaming, if you ever remembered playing for hours and you forgot to save; dying in this is worse. Having tried out dying as a motivational concept, dying makes you wan…