I was wondering if is it possible to use single-end reads within quant_bins module?
I know it is possible to binning with single-end reads using the option --single-end in binning module, b…
Hi @rob-p
I am trying out this - https://divingintogeneticsandgenomics.com/post/how-to-use-salmon-alevin-to-preprocess-cite-seq-data/
# install via conda
conda create -n af -y -c biocond…
Hi, I am trying to run on a large amount of samples (900M reads).
`Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 50G --left all_1P.fq.gz --right all_2P.fq.gz --SS_lib_type RF --CPU 16 --no_salmon`
Please add any organism or source that we are missing that you'd like to be covered by tximeta, and we will consider the best way to fold it in. We want to cover as many use cases as possible, and sup…
***Detailed description of the issue:**
Hello i have problem with fishing, it's the good "materials" but i fishing, and i do not have xp, points or money...
my config it's here:
First of all, thank you very much for this tool! I'm excited to try it after reading your bioRxiv paper and your blog post. Following your installation instructions, I got to the step where I run…
Please let me know which of these are not possible:
Font: I'm not sure what fonts are available in Sphinx or if we have the availability to upload a font but for all text we should be using mulish.…
My build of #15285 is failing because the `tbbind` library depends on `hwloc`, see:
Thanks for publishing pufferfish! I was interested in trying it for genome alignment, but when I tried to index GRCh38 it printed out a lot of warnings as if it was interpreting it as a transcr…