I couldn't find any field to describe the religious beliefs / practice of a person.
Such a field could be named: religion, cult, spirituality, spiritualBelief...
There might be a distinction to …
davux updated
4 years ago
It's a cool library, but i'm fearful that it won't slugify everything.
Chinese characters are just deleted.
slugify('你好'); // results in an empty string
`WITH ` clauses don't work with DMLs anymore (since recent changes):
-- Fails now, but worked with H2 2.2.224
SELECT Min( valid_date ) valid_date
, s…
> image descriptions should be made available in the same formatting as the text of posts.
> on-hover is not good enough, not everyone who needs an image description uses a screen reader and not …
Hi, I've been browsing the transphobic section of Twitter.
An user called "Eggen" has[ organized a targeted effort to spam-report the Chrome web store extension page.
ghost updated
3 years ago
In order to fully comply with [UNICEF's Web Accessibility Standards (2020/06/17)](https://unicef.sharepoint.com/sites/DOC-DigitalLabs/SitePages/Web-accessibility-standards.aspx), we need to consider t…
I'm using JetSmartFilters (successfully) but am noticing a very unsightly (ugly) url string when applying a filter.
example: https://calendar.trailsisters.net/?jet-smart-filters=jet-engine%2Fdefaul…
Both @welford and @dullroar have done considerable work on improving TiddlyWiki's support for static site generation (SSG). Their sites are http://www.phasersonkill.com and http://dullroar.com respect…
Thanks for all your awesome work.
I'm using the Next JS 13 app router with the `@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr` `useSuspenseQuery` hook in one of my client component `page.ts…