### Describe the project you are working on
3D racer; 2D space shooter but the proposal applies to many games (I imagine Thrive would be thrilled to have it)
### Describe the problem or limitation y…
Make the testing scenarios based on https://gist.github.com/karliss/3e2da4c372ea9c49fab8652bfae0c7b8
When testing if possible use latest Qt. Include Qt version in test results. Not required but it…
## Versions
- **mui-color**: 2.0.0-beta.2
- **@mui/material**: 5.6.0
- **react**: 18.0.0
- **@emotion/react**: 11.9.0
- **@emotion/styled**: 11.8.1
- **Edge Browser**: 100.0.1185.29
## Scre…
### Description of the new feature / enhancement
Iconography --> too difficult for developers and unpolished. This whole story needs some investigation, polish, and iteration. Theming options for i…
Plots are no longer resizable when a draggable absolutePanel is present. Here is a minimal example:
server %
ggvis(~wt, ~mpg) %>%
layer_points() %>%
**Describe the bug**
The input fields in the ColorPicker control should only accept numerical values, not alphabetical values. When entering an alphabetical value and tabbing to the next inputfield w…
In bigger events, it can be difficult to track the chat from a selected group of persons, especially if they're not on your friendlist and have an assigned friendgroup to them. It would be nice to hav…
Paste event is not really implemented...
I don't want to install PowerToys
Please add the executable file to release page
Like [PowerRename](https://github.com/chrdavis/SmartRename/releases)
- [ ] ActionMenu
- [x] Alert
- [ ] AutocompleteInput
- [x] Box
- [ ] Button
- [ ] ButtonGroup
- [ ] ButtonPlain
- [ ] ButtonWithIcon
- [ ] Card
- [ ] Checkbox
- [ ] CheckboxGroup
- [x] Coll…