##### Description
Trying to build code generated by codegen for Dart/Flutter project and getting the following error:
> The current Dart SDK version is 2.1.2-dev.0.0.flutter-0a7dcf17eb.
> B…
### What package does this bug report belong to?
### What target platforms are you seeing this bug on?
### Have you already upgraded your packages?
### Depen…
I have a `PlatformNavBar `that when I swipe back (back button) to the previous view, in the bottom bar the tab's icon is colored on the right tab, but the tab's label is wrong. This happens only on iO…
(Edit: filed as SugarCRM bug 43342)
To reproduce:
1. Add a custom field case_number_c to opportunity (via Studio)
2. Link an opportunity to customer (make sure opportunity has a value in case_number_…
I have defined the following NavTransition:
val slideEnterFromLeftTowardsRight: (width: Int) -> Int = { width -> -width }
val slideExitTowardsLeft: (width: Int) -> Int = { width -> -width }
### What package does this bug report belong to?
### What target platforms are you seeing this bug on?
### Have you already upgraded your packages?
### Dependency versions
jackd updated
2 months ago
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses'.
> A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.t…
## Steps to Reproduce
1. Create new Flutter project
2. In main
class _MyHomePageState extends State {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
I have a problem with the navigator — it animates some transitions incorrectly when the user clicks on the buttons too fast.
I do push, pushReplacement, pop, and expect to get to the start sc…