Quick question. I have created other awesome with similar compilations, like [State of Geospatial Open Source Technologies 2024](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j7YZTxiHo2O69LrZJ9NeKIUSmKuKzNgi15O…
The primary objective of this project is to develop a robust book recommendation system that suggests titles to users based on their preferences, ratings, and reviews. Effective recommendation systems…
I have an issue loading a previous session from a session xml file.
In a previous session, I changed the track height and set track colors to correspond to their conditions. However, when I reload …
I am running a molecular dynamics simulation of a single polymer chain in water. I want to calculate the solvent accessible surface area of the polymer over the course of the simulation.
Per the e…
Add a new file to organize and create plot data for the module. Use the JSON formatting as done in multicomponent analysis so that integration with GenApp is straightforward.
Currently doing tf-idf.
I have previous code in the Text-analysis folder on Github as well as some code based on Anju's colab code that does some text summarization and text modeling, but needs re…
All participants should be able to clone the repository into their home folders.
1) Access to global gitolite server
2) Put the repository as bare repo onto the workshop server
Opinions? @iimog
Data could come from Clarivate, or google scholar.
## 描述问题
跑默认的object_detection pipeline高性能模式下的picodet可以正常运行
`paddlex --pipeline object_detection --input https://paddle-model-ecology.bj.bcebos.com/paddlex/imgs/demo_image/general_image_classification…
Hi there,
For my academic project of Datasheet for BPCC dataset, it will be really helpful if you can check and rectify the below answers:
1. Is there an erratum? If so, please provide a link or o…