Hi everyone :).
I just downloaded the latest version of Interproscan, 5.26-65.0 , and it seems that the ncbi-blast-2.6.0+/rpsblast is not working.
The system throws the following error during exec…
The error message:
> [main] User-agent: EBI-Sample-Client/2760 (iprscan_soappy.pyc; Python 2.7.14; Windows)
> [main] WSDL: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/services/soap/iprscan5?wsdl
> Traceba…
See the project board for all the required tasks:
I am running the following command:
nohup /opt/rit/app/interproscan/5.15-54.0/interproscan.sh -i plantfdb_674.fas -b plantfdb_674_interproscan > plantfdb_674_interproscan.output 2> plan…
In episode 19
`interproscan.sh` is written inside `custom-types.cwl` .
But I can't find `interproscan.sh`.
Where can I download `interproscan.sh` ?
I'm getting the below error regarding the original database file - what does this mean?
./interproscan.sh -i test_proteins.fasta -f tsv
04/11/2016 12:03:36:304 Welcome to I…
Before we make the next release of Tripal v3, I would like to specify which content types we should have available by default. With Tripal v2 each content type required a new module, but for Tv3 ad…
Hi Lacey,
title = {Tripal v0000: a test bibtex file},
author = {Sanderson, Lacey-Anne and Ficklin, Stephen P and Cheng, Chun-Huai
and Ju…
The below analyses are not converted to any subtype.
(NOTE see comments for up to date "left behind"list)
### Created under Tripal 3
(therefore created as base analysis type, with no proptype s…
Copied from Drupal issue queue: https://www.drupal.org/node/2265611
When adding cvterms using KEGG/GO/InterProScan those terms should be annotated with the evidence level of those assignments so th…