Changes, decide whether to deprecate ESRI layer or update Aqueduct DAG:
- [x] [COVID tests conducted](https://lahub.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=64b91665fef4471dafb6b2ff98daee6c): Google spread…
- [Link to issue](https://github.com/cmu-delphi/covidcast-indicators/issues/191)
- [Link to PR](https://github.com/cmu-delphi/covidcast-indicators/pull/225)
- Proposed release version: not sure yet
### Have you checked our Troubleshooting page for your issue?
- [X] I have checked the Troubleshooting page
### Is there already an issue for your problem?
- [X] I have checked older issues, open a…
I will be adding comments to this issue through the weekend.
1) I changed bands from 20 CW to 40 CW early on this morning. I had at least three QSOs that I had worked on 20 that were then worked o…
Every user can go to another userprofile and update the gallery with own pictures
_Original issue https://github.com/covidatlas/coronadatascraper/issues/978, transferred here on Thursday May 07, 2020 at 14:43 GMT_
US county data differ from those in the New York Times source…
We updated our CDS data at Sat Jun 27 17:41:23 UTC 2020 and lost all values from the "tested" column for St. Lawrence County, New York.
Great work so far to all involved here. I managed to get trunk recorder up and running relatively painlessly on OSX Sierra 10.12, using a single RTL-SDR (for now) However, every talkgroup is appear…
_Original issue https://github.com/covidatlas/coronadatascraper/issues/418, transferred here on Friday Mar 27, 2020 at 06:58 GMT_
States with reported deaths that are not in today's data:
* …