Hi there. i was working with docker on my orange pi 5 plus running Ubuntu 2204 and i am not sure if i did something wrong. Now when i turn on the orange pi 5 plus, it stuck on the boot image and does …
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [x] I have checked for existing issues https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/issues
- [x] I have reviewed the documentation https://docs.sentry.io/…
Orange would be great to have as a flatpak, and would make installing it and running it much easier that it is right now.
Hi everyone,
This is the first time I've clearly noticed the issue, but why do we use multiples tones of red/green/orange on the product page?
g123k updated
1 month ago
* in particular "orange" and "purple" are the two missing "secondary" colors and I don't think PPN is using O or P.
### What happened?
Ubuntu 24.04.1, Kernel 6.1.0-1025
The kernel log is continuously expanded with:
kernel: usb 8-1: reset SuperSpeed USB device number 2 using xhci-hcd
### Kernel version
Admin Handle must display in Orange
Originally reported in https://github.com/datastax/cass-operator/issues/312 by cscetbon
Sometimes IPs from different cassandra nodes of the same cluster can be exchanged and in that case Cassandra re…
Existing [system color](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#css-system-colors) contexts in CSS:
* _link_: 🔵 `LinkText`, 🟣 `VisitedText`, 🔴 `ActiveText`, or (disabled) ⚫ `GrayText` on any background…
Na początek:
Dzięki Mbebe za kawał świetnej roboty Tobie i tym którzy pomagają w tworzeniu wtyczek.
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