We need to check that all replicas (incl. uninitialized ones) have a persisted ReplicaID and that it matches that in the descriptor (if initialized).
See #93244; that check will live in a similar l…
We need to exhaustively test the invariants for the engine states in separate raft logs.
We'll add assertions but should also explore these using datadriven tests.
Some of the code in https://gith…
An ill-timed crash may lead to an AddSST command at raft log index N being visible in the LSM but the state machine not having advanced to N yet. We need to reconcile this at `Store.Start` time (befor…
Following up on previous discussion with @serathius and @ahrtr, we aim to automate the trace validation test with random Raft traces (in normal and in fault conditions).
1. This requires a mock ap…
I have been trying to run consul in docker on a raspberry pi 4, the leader works fine on its own, but as soon as another instance joins this happens
==> Found address '' for interface…
## Feature Request
Require configuration to limit RAFT WAL messages to avoid disk full
#### Use Case:
During network breakdowns the $SYS($SYS/_js_/_meta_/msgs) folder keeps growing during fil…
Instead of writing directly to the database, perhaps something like this;
- Received SQL statement on the `/db/execute` endpoint.
- start a transaction on the rw connection to the database
- sta…
The approximate nearest neighbors algorithms (IVF-Flat #652, IVF-PQ) use a balanced k-means implementation. In #652, balanced kmeans is separate implementation from #605. These two implementations sho…
### Nomad version
After some launch of huge jobs we have very big `raft,db` files on server nodes, so restart of nomad server takes huge amount of time, and nomad server eats too many memory…