Using Linux why does google search results page source for anything crash my browser?
The example below is reproducible to get the error using a linux google compute engine VM:
When I read goog…
This might be a bit tricky, but I guess whenever there's a new version of `taxize` on cran, then we can re-create the cached objects from `taxize` - then the test suite here won't fail due to failures…
Dear reader,
author lists are a pillar of scholarly communication and rewarding system.
On the other hand, the number of tools to create scholarly outputs requiring an author list is growing expon…
Thank you for developing an awesome package. Is there the ability to search package data (built-in datasets)?
Hi, this might be too niche but I went up for promotion this year and R was enormously useful in pulling/wrangling/visualising all the benchmarking data you need to convince the committee you are alre…
Enhance the data report marrkdown:
- [ ] using `formattable`
- [ ] `plotly` in rmarkdown
- [ ] parametise the rmarkdown
This would be a really cool addition:
``` s
curl('https://api.github.com/repos/stedolan/jq/commits?per_page=5') %>%
jq('.[0] | {message: .commit.message, name: .commit.committer.name}') %>%
Colgar datos, con o sin preproceso está bien. Pero en las más de las situaciones no es ni necesario ni deseable: p.e., no quiero bajarme todos los _shapefiles_ de España para pintar los contornos muni…
How would someone cite our handbook?
c.f. https://github.com/ropensci/targets/discussions/1347 and https://github.com/ropensci/targets/discussions/1329. I tried the following pipeline on a RHEL9 node: