I wanted to know how the filtering and downsampling is applied on the DAT file using bz_LFPfromDAT function. I tried to check the code and I realized the sinc_filter function was used for filte…
Hi, been using this font since 2015 for one of our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) support projects with schools. To encourage the next generation of engineers, using Raspberry P…
## 一言でいうと
QA形式でトピックモデルのような教師なしの文書分類を行う研究。文書/関連箇所のペアからクエリ(質問)を逆生成する事前学習済みモデルを使用し(論文中ではT5をMS MARCOでFine Tuneしたモデルを使用)、生成したクエリ=トピックとして回答を含む文書を集め分類を行う。文脈を考慮した分類が可能という。
I have tried libmonitor to monitor the building process of some open source android apps. The building process may mix with 32-bit and 64-bit processes during the building. It seems that, if I provide…
Ole has some files on the [NCEAS pfx-groundfish repository](https://github.com/NCEAS/pfx-groundfish/tree/master/goaTrawl/Raw%20Trawl%20Data) that need to put posted to the GoA portal. These files use …
On 2022 02 17 there are some 1079 images that appear to have no signal and are labeled good:
- `20220217.203601.ucomp.1079.l1.p3.fts`
- `20220217.203833.ucomp.1079.l1.p3.fts`
- `20220217.204105.u…
Dear Prof. Lu,
Happy new year and congratulations to the release of first stable version of DeepXDE. As a longtime follower of your work, I noted that you have recently been dedicated to employin…
I'm completely new to Hadoop, and I found this repo because I had the thought, "Wow, installing Hadoop is hard, and all I want is HDFS. Surely there's got to be an easier way to do this. Maybe someone…
5: What are our teachers made of, and how can we find them
6: Work on the paper.
Could you please add a simple example if possible?