I am upgrading the OpenSSL stack to 3.0 on my target network element. In order to test higher order digest algorithm, I need to compile netsnmp with OpenSSL 3.0 on a x86_64 Linux platform.
The [sensor specifications](https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Laser_PM2.5_Sensor-HM3301/#specification) state that there are three channels: 2.5µm, 5µm and 10µm.
The sample code uses PM1.0, PM2.5 …
I have a brand new Formbot Micron+ kit. The new R1 specs mentions that we need 152mm belt but the Formbot kit still ships 188mm belt.
In the EU it is impossible to source genuine GATES belt with th…
I'm super grateful for this specification but for anyone who spots problems or has ideas for enhancements, be aware that based on the past few years I believe it unlikely any changes will be merged in…
Bordering on a bug request, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and label this as a feature request, because it could simply be that my intuition is out of line with how dvc works.
When used…
### What happened?
After I deployed my services as k8s `Service` and configured the `Mesh` with `meshServices.mode: "Exclusive"`, my services became `MeshService` and went into state `Unavailable` …
I am working on a project that uses the Go-Chi router, and I want to validate incoming requests against an OpenAPI specification before any processing. While I appreciate the flexibility and performan…
The extensions were parsed inaccurately (two times).
### 1
extensions: ["Rating 5.0 (3,164) ", " 5.0 (3,164) "],
detected_extensions: { rating: 5.0, reviews: 3164 }