## İçerik
Seçilen YOLO version'unun, seçilen furniture dataseti ile eğitiminin yapılması.
## Gereksinimler
Projede kullanılmak üzere eşyaları detect edebilen bir modelin elde edilmesi
## ETA
so i can run it on my phone?
## 🐛 Bug
I'm creating a custom yolov5m model. I've added FPN Backbone and also in Head with few customization and one extra layer just like in Yolov5m6 and it's giving me following error:
when I use more then 10w dataset for trainning,and label quite well,but I trained and found that some objects could be as detection object.so How to avoid fasle detection with large dataset?
## ❔Question
I am working with YOLO v3 with 5 classes. when I looked to mAp during the training it was very low about 18%
when I checked the Ap for each class was equal to zero except the first cla…
## Description
Hi, I am trying to convert yolov5m model into tensort model for batch inference (batch size of 4). but I am getting an error while `trexec` conversion. This error does not happen wh…
onnx: 1.11.0
torch: 1.12.1
torchvision: 0.13.1
I have fine-tuned **yolov5m_wo_spp.pt** model in the **yolov5 v6.2** framework. Then I have exported the model to onnx (with opset 11…
Hello Glenn et. al,
I am running yolov3 on 696 images (train,val,test) (416 x 416) before augmentation that mainly look like these few examples:
i have to training the own image dataset used training model. but detect.py file show that error below mentioned
Hi @glenn-jocher @batrlatom I just have a quick question to understand regarding which I am having a hard time understanding it since long. What is actually inside the Pytorch model and Tflite model? …