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This concerns #13.
During the past year, Arc has kinda established itself as GTK theme with good development support and aesthetic merit (sleek, clean, etc): https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme.…
ghost updated
7 years ago
1 他们有几种可能啊A…
May you provide the codes how to combine VCD with other decoding strategies (like greedy)?
Hola profe,
Quería consultar si el canvasState es totalmente necesario a la hora de hacer la conección entre el backend y el frontend o si se podría quitar. Desde ya muchas gracias.
本地使用modelscope server部署damo/nlp_structbert_faq-question-answering_chinese-base,一个三个接口/call、/describe、/health
"schema": {
"task_name": "faq-question-answering",
按照https://github.com/alibaba-damo-academy/FunASR/blob/main/runtime/docs/SDK_advanced_guide_online_zh.md在同一台主机上部署实时语音识别的服务端和客户端,部署后第一次测试成功,客户端可以连接上服务端并返回识别结果。但是使用命令ps -x | grep funasr-wss-server-2pass …
/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/modelscope/bin/python /Users/edy/PycharmProjects/pythonProject2/test_structbert.py
2023-08-07 09:45:45,874 - modelscope - INFO - PyTorch version 1.11.0 Fou…
import time
from fastapi import FastAPI
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
from pydantic import BaseModel
semantic_cls = pipeline('rex-uninlu',
In [4]: embeddings = ModelScopeEmbeddings(model_id="/root/.cache/modelscope/hub/damo/nlp_corom_sentence-embedding_chinese-tiny")