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- **깊이 우선 탐색**이라고도 부르며 그래프에서 **깊은 부분을 우선적으로 탐색하는 알고리즘**
- **스택 자료구조(혹은 재귀함수)를 이용**하며, 구체적인 동작 과정은 다음과 같음
1. 탐색 시작 노드를 스택에 삽입하고 방문 처리를 합니다.
2. 스택의 최상단 노드에 방문하지 않은 인접한 노드가 하나라도 있으면 그 노드를 …
ты по ошибке запушил класс файлы, убери их и добавь в .gitignore пожалуйста
# Describe the bug
Commit c40a251887853dee30c406bbb94522b35195d912 (fixing issue #4091, merged into master in issue #4072) introduced an endless loop into deque::shrink_to_fit(). In specific constell…
Few suggestions until I get the functionality practically.
- `uadi_init(...)` _spawns a new thread for the connection_. If there're more than one connection, since the startup time of a thread is sup…
# 239. 滑动窗口最大值
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| | |
| Bugzilla Link | [PR38684](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38684) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P enhancemen…
### 3D surface Area [링크](https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/3d-surface-area/problem?isFullScreen=true)
- 정답풀이
def surfaceArea(A):
for i in …
While working on ChunkedBuffer:
I think it's for calling python methods which are already bound to a Python object, it's faster to do instead of (check t…
https://github.com/show-matz/CL-STL is an attempt to implement STL in CL. It's based on CLOS (so it is slow) but yesterday the author, @show-matz , gave a talk on it at Shibuya.lisp Lisp Meetup and I …