I'm getting the following error when trying to launch carbon-aggregator (I'm using the newest version of carbon AFAIK).
sudo /opt/graphite/bin/carbon-aggregator.py start …
While trying to measure time to complete a rebalance in preparation of scaling out our cluster using the example provided. I'm getting an error from carbon-sieve:
> carbon-list -c /opt/graphite/co…
I have a setup with two shards using relay-rules.conf. All components (carbon, graphite-web, whisper) are pip version 1.0.1
On rick.example.com:
`carbon-relay.py` fails to execute after using the following recipe/LWRP:
``` ruby
include_recipe "graphite::carbon"
graphite_carbon_relay "i_stand_alone" do
config(...) # them details
I am reporting metrics to Graphite, using a `GraphiteReporter`.
Since Graphite support tags, I'm using them in my metrics.
For instance I have the following meter :
When setting storage_dir to someplace outside of /opt/graphite/storage, carbon-cache fails to launch with "/opt/graphite/storage/log/carbon-cache", as the chmod hasn't happened for this location.
I have an issue about graphite-web. I installed graphite-web in default location and started carbon-daemon. Carbon writing metrics in /opt/graphite/storage/ceres/. And there is a ceres metic f…
Shouldn't this
``` ruby
graphite_results.each do |result|
Carbon cache using runit logs to /etc/sv/carbon-cache/log/main. Given that Apache is configured to use /opt/graphite/storage/log/webapp should carbon cache logs go to /opt/graphite/storage/log/carbon-…
debian 9.9
installed from pip with virtualenv
carbon cant connect to rabbit
creds are right.
please help to resolve.
(graphite) root@somename-vps681206:~# /opt/graphite/bin/carbon-cache.py…