In my test environment I updated Hexo to latest 6.0.0 version and only main page looks good, rest looks broken, like css style would not load. Could you please check if you have same problem or is it …
- [x] 已经尝试执行 `hexo clean`,问题仍然存在
- [ ] 已经更新到主题最新版本,详见 [官方文档 #更新](https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/docs/quick-start/update)**已按更新教程步骤进行**
- [ ] 如果刚更新完主题出现此问题,已经确认同步了主题配置文件,[官方文档 #同步配置文件](…
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repository, website URL and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、网站链接和屏幕截图,这将…
如疑似遇到 bug ,请提供当前的 hexo 版本、豆瓣ID、以及当前使用的浏览器等信息。
"hexo": "^6.3.0",
"hexo-douban": "^2.2.1",
"hexo-theme-butterfly": "^4.8.5"
# Issue
gitee pages 部署失败 错误信息: Pages 部署失败,hbe.style.css 文件可能包含违禁违规内容,请排查调整后再行重试
## Expected Behavior
## Actual Behavior
部署失败,提示 hbe.style.css 文件可能包含违禁违规内容
## Steps to Reproduce the Problem
Gone through the setup to get up and running, but when trying to access the page I get this error.
INFO Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000/. Press Ctrl+C to stop.
Unhandled rejecti…
## I want to create a Bug report
- [✔️] Yes, I have read [Hexo Docs page](https://hexo.io/docs/), especially [Templates](https://hexo.io/docs/templates.html), [Variables](https://he…
你好呀,打扰了,我按照README中的步骤安装后,使用hexo g生成静态页面时会提示上述错误。换用git clone下载到themes文件夹下也是color-generate.js加载失败+Cannot find module 'js-yaml',但安装其他主题一切正常,不知道是哪一步操作出了问题?
### 使用的 Butterfly 版本? | What version of Butterfly are you use?
### 是否修改过主题文件? || Has the theme files been modified?
是 (Yes)
### 使用的瀏覽器? || What browse are you using?
### 使用的系統? || Wha…