Commissulator uses the gem `rails-env-credentials` to enable storage of auth tokens in per-environment encrypted files which are committed to the repo. To decrypt a set of credentials, a master key f…
While executing `Sharphound.exe` =, occasionally I get the following crash and the collection stops:
Application: SharpHound.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The pr…
Should be able to send an email with a magic link to open a particular jam in MicroJam - great for released app.
1. Type "Hello" in the chat textbox, without pressing ENTER
2. Click "Upload" button
3. Select a file to upload
After the file is selected and being uploaded, the textbox is emptied. In…
This issue is related to this post -
The problem occurs now pretty often, which is extremely disturbing. I am
This issue is related to this post -
The problem occurs now pretty often, which is extremely disturbing. I am
This issue is related to this post -
The problem occurs now pretty often, which is extremely disturbing. I am
### Description
Simple [opengraph](https://ogp.me/). This customizes the look of pages when sharing links over messaging services, like iMessage, and other platforms.
This adds a professional lo…
Use [OneUpdater](https://github.com/vitorgalvao/alfred-workflows/tree/master/OneUpdater) for auto-updating
Basically a copy and paste of [this issue](https://github.com/BlueBubblesApp/BlueBubbles-Desktop-App/issues/197)
Here are some screenshots from my Mac, iPhone, and WebMessage client for an image th…