I'd love a filter with Unavailable / Lending / Giving / Selling tags on each user's profile to easily find the books we can ask for, instead of scrolling past unavailable books for a while before find…
Brink aims to automate transactions (like trades, lending/borrowing positions, liquidity providing) with a generic framework where you can schedule transactions with conditions which will only be exec…
**Rancher versions:**
rancher/server or rancher/rancher:
rancher/agent or rancher/rancher-agent:
**Infrastructure Stack versions:**
network-services: Canal
Kubernetes Version : v 1.10.1-…
As a developer, I want to track which user returned the item to use it, e.g. in the lending history. Since either the borrower or one of the managers of the item can return it, it is not clear who did…
For farming rewards?
Dear maintainers and contributors,
I want to express my appreciation for your amazing work on the [Emacs.AppImage](https://github.com/probonopd/Emacs.AppImage) build. It has proved to be a valuable…
ghost updated
2 months ago
# If a `lendingPool` is added to the network while in `late` state, can be defaulted instantly
## Summary
If a lending pool is added to a protection pool, the `defaultStateManager` s…
Inventaire could be useful for school libraries and other (small) organisations, where multiple people manage book lending etc.
Are there any thoughts to implement delegation for management of libr…
**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x5b66cf2b8f130df2a37362a32438f5ba2b12c8d078527a7ced1b08f7d99d4b40
**Severity:** medium
#### Milestone: Authenticate
The shared data filing platform will be used by filers of small business lending (SBL) and mortgage lending (HMDA) data to centrally manage their account (user profile, f…