Request from [twitter](https://twitter.com/fideloper/status/443738861764878337).
Seems pretty easy: http://www.rethinkdb.com/docs/install/ubuntu/
Running on newton, I did the following:
git checkout next
git clean -fxd
./configure CXX=recc --enable-drivers
make -j99 DEBUG=1
cd test/rql_test/
./test-runner run polyglot
I get the follow…
something in this push (https://github.com/SitePen/dstore/compare/5d12808059...32540ce9bd) just broke `_renderRangeParams` (https://github.com/SitePen/dstore/blob/master/Request.js#L185)
cc @brandonp…
There is currently no good way of finding out which version of PHP-RQL is installed. There should be.
``` rb
> x = 1.0 / 0
> y = 0.0 / 0
> r.expr(x).run($c)
RethinkDB::RqlDriverError: Client is buggy (failed to deserialize query).
> r.expr(y).run($c)
RethinkDB::RqlDriverError: Client is b…
I found this in one of my large MR queries., I will attach the fix i used to a pull request.
On magneto in next (7604d7448d1331dbd241b212ee373b6c4a71e2ea)
Running reads... Query failed
{'query': "r.expr({'a': 'aaaaa', 'c': 'ccccc', 'b': 'bbbbb', 'e': 'eeeee', 'd': 'ddddd', 'g': 'ggggg', …
AtnNn updated
10 years ago
i'm trying to submit a PR to change the `'dojo/request/registry'` dependency in Rest.js to `'dojo/request'` but i can't get the tests to run according to the instructions.
i realized that `npm instal…
The API documentation suggests that it does (http://php-rql.dnsalias.net/api/#ph:transformations-order_by), but it actually does not use indexes.
i'm expecting some troubles with using subj. My example%
class User
include NoBrainer::Document
include ActiveModel::SecurePassword
field :email
field :password_digest