Right now, our working job chain is:
slic -> bunch filter -> readout sim -> recon
It would be nice to be able to reconstruct the MC output directly.
For the ECal, the sim edeps need to be tra…
I want to run in Android version 28 on x86_64 device. I followed the tutorial [here](https://deeplearning4j.org/docs/latest/deeplearning4j-android-prerequisites)
My dependencies:
SiR0N updated
4 years ago
I tired to install your jsk_recognition package in ROS indigo and I have compilation errors, could you be so kind to help me? I installed all necessary pkg: jsk_common-masterm, jsk_common_msgs-master,…
Thank you for the release of project.
But I have a question, using pre-trained model to run directly, the result contains 'new_spix_indices' and '_bdry.jpg' in the code. How can I get results like…
I have tried:
g++ main.cpp -o main `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` *.h *.cpp -lm
But does not work. Can you help me?
For some of your submitted bug reports for Ansible, there were agreements. Ca you share here the links to the issue reports to which developers agreed upon ?
First of all thank you very much for that neat package. It seems to work fine on my project (detecting desert shrubs in UAV imagery) but I cannot extract the final segments as polygons. Is there any f…
TO DO: tester, loading files
It would be very good to have regular or semi-regular (like once a month/quarter/year) releases of builds for Windows (Win7 x86 might be a good baseline). So a user is able to just download a zip arch…