Till this morning I didn't get any error running my flutter code which uses cloud Function :
var reponseServer =
await (CloudFunctions.insta…
I cannot build my App for IOS. I tried
flutter channel stable (master as well)
pod deintegrate
rm Flutter/Flutter.podspec
flutter clean
flutter pub get
pod install
flutter run
Nothing help…
I have upgrade Flutter today
when I use Flutter packages get
the pubspec.lock->sdks change like this
dart: ""
flutter: ">=0.4.1
For days I've been having trouble compiling or apk in release, `flutter build apk` for example doesn't work.
flutter build apk
You are building a fat APK that includes binaries…
## Bug report
**Describe the bug**
The issue made my app crash and i have seen it from ```crashlytics```.
It seems to be linked to the caching system of Firestore.
The error is : ```Could no…
This is my gulp task for Jest testing.
gulp.task('jest:cc', () => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';
process.env.REACT_SPINKIT_NO_STYLES = JSON.stringify(true);
return gulp.src(…
## Bug report
**Describe the bug**
I inserted a AdMob inline banner in a listview like described in the [official codelab](https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/admob-inline-ads-in-flutt…
## Bug report
**Describe the bug**
I'm trying to use `setCurrentScreen` method to save screen view events, and thus calculate how much time user spends on each screen.
I'm running with DebugView …
## Bug report
**Describe the bug**
I've been getting this error non-stop in crashlytics for a few months now. Users are complaining that they are not able to upload any images and complete the sig…
Executing "flutter run" or "Product > Build" in XCode, returns the following results:
'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
Failed to emit precompiled header '/Users/john/Library/Develope…