I am using the latest STM32CubeWL package v1.1.0 and trying to run this example repo for LoRa-e5-min.
### Try 1: Importing project from folder
To import the project into the workspace, …
Your README.md says "untested", but I tested your code on a L152RE board (Nucleo) in combination with an ILI9341 LCD, and this is working perfect (software SPI, hardware SPI & hardware SPI with …
Somehow the debugging does not start in my ubuntu 20.04. ST CubeProgrammer and also ST CubeIDE works fine, and also the ST-LINK GDB seems to start. Somehow it is stopping and I can't see the reason. I…
This is Riko from Taiwan
We are studying in XM111 Module combine with STM32CUBEIDE.
We have a lot of sample codes include tank_level , rf_certification, ....
We want to know if there …
I tested on STM32F429I-DISC1 board and one of my own design.
IDE: STM32CubeIDE V1.6.1
FW Package: STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.26.1
- Assert fails when checking the NVIC preemption prio…
Hi STM team!
I found following bug. After connection my board to PC hid device registers correctly. When i call function USBD_CUSTOM_HID_SendReport(&hUsbDeviceFS, buf, 64) the data packet is receiv…
Hello author, let us see hope on LORA mavlink. This open source project has been paying attention since last year. Recently, I found that there has been a major update on the progress. I will promote …
whqsz updated
2 years ago
- TrueSTUDIOの使用は非推奨になっており、CubeMXとIDEが統合されたSTM32CubeIDEへ移行したい。
- TrueSTUDIOのままでも良かったが、ubuntu 18.04にv9.3.0を入れるとツールバーが表示されないバグがあって使いづらい。
I would like to compile code in Win10, and burn into STM32.
Now I create a simple example arm.c
int main()
printf("hello world\n");
return 0;
And then…
I have been trying to use this with the AWS IOT SDK but the debug was not working as expected. When I went deep in I realized that there are 2 application bank and bootloader chooses the bank. More de…