Występuje problem:
- [X] z zasobem REST API / with a REST API resource
- [ ] ze środowiskiem produkcyjnym / with the production environment
- [X] ze środowiskiem testowym / with the test enviro…
When using the Iron Man ability, it seems that the values supplied in `avengerResult` are swapped (`x` has the Y value, and `y` has the X value)
Below is the image of the board
Em1tt updated
11 months ago
The reason is given in nimble, but it's not passed along to the callback:
The disconnect struct contains a reason…
hlásím problém s jádrem Krameria pro DNNT nasazení - aktuálně verze 5.4.7-dnnt.
OS - Debian GNU/Linux, Buster
webserver - distribuční apache z backports, verze 2.4.46
po vytvoření faktury jakožto: pay_proforma dostávám nepochopitelný kód 500, ikdyž je faktura vytvořená a přijde mi do mailu.
Chyba: [error] 26#26: *1764 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP mes…
I calculated the size of the action space for several board sizes:
n placements …
@fix1t ahoj, funkce getAllUsers() vrací jiné hodnoty, než s kterými počítá User Table (/users)
![Snímek obrazovky 2023-11-22 v 9 34 56](https://github.com/fix1t/but-iis-iot/assets/94748640/272d7530-…
**Describe the bug**
Connect to IPv6 M-Bus server is not possible. Which make problems with IPv6 only networks or places where already ISP can not give public IPv4 because was exhausted in 2012. Wo…
### Zrzut ekranu
### Link bezpośredni
Running install script on Ubuntu 20.04 Arm
Package docker-ce is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only av…