Hi there,
I think many user need the new feature that we can dynamic listen or close a socket in the lua context, such as the discuss [here](https://forum.openresty.us/d/6363-2020-q2/19), or some u…
`AF_UNIX` is supported on Windows now, and has some advantages over named pipes:
What are your thoughts on adding support for t…
Unsure if this is a bug _quite_ yet. But with a customer using the CCM, we're seeing the following in a cluster that scales up and down by several hundred nodes pretty often:
E0410 21:54:21.05…
If you for example do docker-in-docker ( docker:did ) or a usual remote docker-eninge, you would connect using a tcp socket rather then a lock unix socket.
This socket is usually either given by a …
System.Net.Sockets.Tests.dll Failed: 70
System.Net.Sockets.Tests.ReceiveMessageFrom_Sync.ReceiveSent_TCP_Success(ipv6: True)
It took a bit of digging for me to figure how to do this, and I would think that many users of websockets would want to be able to adjust the tcp socket options.
For example, for a wss connection:
I tried `Socket.TCP.connect("localhost", 80, {:raw, 6, 15, :true}) and received:
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Access.get/3
The following arguments were given to Ac…
My docker service configuration is like:
> [Unit]
> Description=Docker Application Container Engine
> Documentation=https://docs.docker.com
> After=network.target docker.socket
> Requires=docker.sock…
[RFC 4898](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4898) defines TCP Extended Statistics, which Windows has supported since Vista as exposed in via [GetPerTcpConnectionEStats()](https://docs.microsof…
以邮件的形式通知评论 thread 里面的所有人
1. github 用户可以选择不公开邮箱,可能要改github app的权限,来拿用户的私有邮箱?(还是默默地放弃给这样的用户发邮件)
2. 邮件服务选什么好?还是自己手搓来发smtp https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/runtime-apis/tcp-sockets/