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评论通知机制 #84

Open Enter-tainer opened 1 week ago

Enter-tainer commented 1 week ago

以邮件的形式通知评论 thread 里面的所有人


  1. github 用户可以选择不公开邮箱,可能要改github app的权限,来拿用户的私有邮箱?(还是默默地放弃给这样的用户发邮件)
  2. 邮件服务选什么好?还是自己手搓来发smtp https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/runtime-apis/tcp-sockets/



Enter-tainer commented 1 week ago

ok, cf 似乎不让用 smtp 的端口?不知道是不是我理解的有问题 Your socket is connecting to an address on port 25. This is usually the port used for SMTP mail servers. Workers cannot create outbound connections on port 25

shaokeyibb commented 1 week ago

ok, cf 似乎不让用 smtp 的端口?不知道是不是我理解的有问题 Your socket is connecting to an address on port 25. This is usually the port used for SMTP mail servers. Workers cannot create outbound connections on port 25

要不试试 SMTP OVER SSL/TLS?他们的端口好像是 587 或者 99x这种