## Summary of Bug
Tendermint response:
`curl -X POST https://lcd-sentinel.cosmostation.io/txs -d testtx.json
{"error":"this transaction cannot be broadcasted via legacy REST endpoints, b…
### Design Artifacts:
- Prototype view: https://www.figma.com/proto/B85IQijD2Ul7sVzVWqXmQW/Crypto-Happy-Path?page-id=60%3A19684&node-id=60%3A20453&viewport=256%2C48%2C0.5&scaling=min-zoom&starting-poi…
I'll fund an account and we'll use it as demo. Need to add "Connect to Keplr" to each dead end (basically anywhere user would have to sign). Also need to add this "Demo" account in the navbar
### Design Artifacts
- Prototype of land steward flow: https://www.figma.com/proto/2YgNiS6APbaUmviJWhOCoQ/Log-in-Sign-Up-Flows?page-id=2%3A586&node-id=3%3A7634&viewport=256%2C48%2C0.13&scaling=scale-d…
Figma ref: https://www.figma.com/file/04OF6ZbTo0gLzmFm3kLRkS/app.emeris.com?node-id=3804%3A41979
# First time user
When user lands on app.emeris.com **for the first time**, we should show this …
If one or multiple chains appear to be down (according to chain status endpoint), the UI will need to implement the following changes (https://www.figma.com/file/04OF6ZbTo0gLzmFm3kLRkS/app.emeris.com?…
I just IBC transferered 476,577.6 of DVPN from Osmosis blockchain to Sentinel blockchain using the Osmosis withdraw feature. The Emeris staging app is showing that my token balance has been duplicated…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I really like Big Dipper, and I'd like to be able to use my Keplr wallet for staking on the Agoric chain. Keplr is by far the easie…
If a wallet has never connected to the Lucina testnet the users gets an error about chain info. This can be resolved by connecting Keplr to Lucina with another dApp. Most likely we are missing an envi…
There seems to be an issue with the Ledger Nano X and KEPLR when using the Persistence Wallet. Every time I click “approve” to initiate a transaction (for sending or staking) the transaction is immedi…