#### URL
### Problembeschreibung
Die ORCID-Angabe wird auf Nu nicht mitgeliefert.
#### URL
### Problembeschreibung
Beim Testen auf Nu werden die Keywords nicht übertragen.
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### Problembeschreibung
Beim Testen auf **Nu** mit Try RSS wird das Doppelheft 1/2 als "1 2" ausgegeben.
In the frontend, the submission will just fail with "No hint could be provided. This is likely caused by a crash during the execution".
In the backend, a stacktrace such as below will be printed.
In at least one case it happened that an exception was thrown due to a network error in the connection to the docker workers, which caused the user submission to fail (see example stacktrace at the en…
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### Description of the bug
Command error:
Singularity 1.0b1 (commit: b0d3406e311f4ac3aa6f4d0187f32926b3808fef)
Running under Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun 22 2022, 20:18:18) [GCC 9.4.0]
## Name
Martina Ondina Soldini
## Affiliation
University of Zurich
## Email
## Preprint ID
## Title
Interacting topologic…
In the current setup, all our executors only use a single CPU core, even the CPU-high (supposed to take 16) only takes one.