I can't remember if I was talking to @clusterfack or @PJB3005 about this but basically the idea is that you'd have the ability for players to gracefully remove themselves from round.
I'm not entire…
I've got this really simple scene:
"use strict";
import React, { Component } from "react";
import {
## Expected Behavior
When using the Sensu Web GUI on the latest 2.0 build, it appears that my items that are Proxy entities are causing errors in the Web GUI when trying to see the status.
Hi @achuvm,
When the AR system is initialized the `onTrackingInitialized` method of the `ViroARScene` gets invoked once.
I'm wondering if that process can be repeated let's say with a reset but…
I am trying to create a basic AR app by editing the hello world app and adding 2D UI components using react native.
The basic demo uses:
`_getARNavigator() {
return (
Hi, we are integrating react-viro into our iOS project, while we got this error: `ld: 25 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64` and
duplicate symbol _zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 in:
## Environment
Please provide the following information about your environment:
1. Development OS: Mac
2. Version: ViroReact version and React Native version - 2.13, 0.57.8
3. Device(s): iPhone …
Currently audit tree rule removal is an unaccompanied record that has no subject attributes.
- kernel/audit_tree.c:audit_tree_log_remove_rule()
compare with:
- kernel/audit_watch.c:audit_watch_lo…
Currently the development branch doesn't build for iOS
There are multiple causes for this, like the dependencies itself as well as the new buld engine from Xcode 10
There are multiple issues:
Do you have planned to include face tracking in the next version of ViroReact.