# Current behavior
When a user runs `ockam project delete` without any arguments, currently they are shown an error & some help text is displayed asking them to provide the `` and ``. Here's a screen…
everyone should be able to see the most impressive progress bars for python.
Hi, really helpful blog-post and starter code on multi-platform `pixi` configuration!
Ran in an issue though. I tried running `pixi install` and/or `pixi shell` in a newly initialized project, usin…
### Reproduce
svg-term --cast 47HiIPl0HQxrJ0R0vR9qpxzS4 --window --out animating-my-name.svg
### Description
After running this command, my computer was noticeably slow, my mous…
Publish that blog/video on our github page as well as on:
- dev.to
- hackernews
- reddit
Perhaps this is related to #2524, but `g*` is not working for me either.
I'm following the directions in the [docs](https://www.visidata.org/docs/columns/) "[How do I substitute text in my column]"…
In my oh-my-zsh configuration case sensitivity to false but zsh-autosuggestions doesn't respects it. It should respect zsh config for case sensitivity or provide it's own config for this.
Vim version info (click to expand)
Used in terminal on macOS 10.13.2, installed via homebrew with `brew install vim --HEAD` at commit 200ea8f
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12,…
keith updated
5 years ago
I was doing `turso db shell` autocomplete, but it was just hanging forever.
I then ran `turso db list` and the output looked like this:
penberg@vonneumann limbo % turso db list
Some SynID can't get by function `synID({lnum}, {col}, {trans})`, such as `Search` and other Plugins like [semshi](https://github.com/numirias/semshi) add highlight by `nvim_buf_add_highlight({buffer}…