Dear ensembl-vep -team,
I'm using VEP for annotating variants aligned to chm13 with resources downloaded from https://github.com/marbl/CHM13.
I can add gene information from the chm13v2.0_GENCO…
I'm pretty sure all the executable paths are updated now for my configuration. Everything runs fine until I get to line 35 in 1_kallisto.smk (rule kb_velocity). I am getting the error below and am fin…
**Is the bug primarily related to salmon (bulk mode) or alevin (single-cell mode)?**
**Describe the bug**
Running `salmon quant` through my SLURM cluster consistently segfaults. I've att…
- update cDNA and cDNA aliquot Remaining Volume values
- need to update previous library after workflow transitions!
For 3' the volume transfers happen at the following steps:
**SC Lab: 3 Prime GEX …
**To be completed WB 02/10/23
Estimated completion date 09/10/23**
As an R&D scientist (Di R) I would like to establish the feasibility of utilising elements of the RNA PolyA (RNA…
Follow the example laid out in #388.
Set Reagent tracking to the front of workflow nodes to reduce duplicate entries.
Complete Instrument data linking within wfc specific protocols for 5Prime and Multiome
There seems to be some issue in the 0.6.12 related to pysam, I've copied the output of the small test below. The same issue was observed both in the docker version and when building from source.
**User story**
As a user of the scRNA Core pipeline, I would like LIMS support for the transfer between the GEMs plate and the cDNA PCR plate.
**Who are the primary contacts for this story**
Hi Kristoffer,
I understand that each cluster generated by isONclust represents all reads that came from the same gene.
However, I was looking for a de novo tool/method that could determine wh…