trait Has[_]
trait A
trait B
trait C
trait ZLayer[-RIn, +E, +ROut]
object ZLayer {
def fromServices[A0, A1, B](f: (A0, A1) => B): ZLayer[Has[A0] with Has[A1], Nothing, Has[B]] …
It has always been an (admittedly minor) annoyance of mine that Lua doesn't support compound assignment operators (e.g. `var += 1`).
At http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaPowerPatches, I came across the …
I'm trying to use the `postcss-css-variables` to build a CSS file for legacy browsers such as IE using `preserved = false`.
However I'm getting a inconsistent output while using multi-classes selec…
scala> case class Foo(i: Int)
defined class Foo
scala> case class Bar(i: Int) extends AnyVal
defined class Bar
scala> def f[T x(ProductVal(1))
res1: String = It's an AnyRef
I found that the method [`CompoundFile.LoadDirectories`](https://github.com/CodeCavePro/OpenMCDF/blob/master/src/OpenMcdf.Shared/CompoundFile.cs#L1767) fail to handle the case where the starting secto…
If a compound `XYZ` has this property definition:
z = 1 : Int32
Then `z` will be initialized to 1 in these lines:
point = XYZ()
My input data is quite complex, but always has a format where structures are preceded by a byte giving the length of the structure to come.
Within a compound structure, the last fields are sometime…
Need a mechanism to upload compound aliases. Probably a CSV, indexed by smiles string.
Need a way to see aliases in LHS. Probably tooltip.
Need a way to find by alias. Likely, search butto…
Testing of the security changes (in #1247) has exposed a problem with the RHS uploads. The **Compound** does not set any **Project** reference in its `project_id` column. Consequently the ISPyB filter…
It's quite common to want to listen on, or connect to machines with multiple addresses. For the former, we can use NULL as an address, which does work as an API to binding on everything (though the im…