Doing a fresh install using the conda script fails as the cadquery package requires Python 3.9+ yet the conda pytyon version is set to 3.8.
When running the command `python -m pip install -e exts/ext_template` from the readme (with the extension name changed) the error in the title is thrown if anything other than conda is used for the vi…
I am evaluating MaskDINO, which uses detectron2. I have seen a similar issue, saying this error can be caused by mismatched sizes between the masks and images, but I checked that the sizes match.
Hi, I currently encounter an issue about RdkitGridFeaturizer in deepchem. This featurizer cannot featurize the datapoint since last monday. Two weeks ago, I used this RdkitGridFeaturizer to featurize …
Platforms: inductor
This test was disabled because it is failing in CI. See [recent examples](https://hud.pytorch.org/flakytest?name=test_comprehensive_nn_functional_binary_cross_entropy_with_logits_…
Platforms: inductor
This test was disabled because it is failing in CI. See [recent examples](https://hud.pytorch.org/flakytest?name=test_comprehensive_special_i0e_cuda_float16&suite=TestInductorOpIn…
Please fill in the following for any issues
Your setup:
1. Operating System (Linux, MacOS, Windows): Windows
2. Hardware type (x86, ARM..) and RAM: x86
3. Python Version (e.g. 3.9): 3.12.3
### 🐛 Describe the bug
As discussed in https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/139942, current test of mkldnn pattern matcher checks the total number and nodes of patterns matched which is fragile to…
### What happened?
I tried to see what version conda is currently offering when updating.
So, with active `base` environment I executed:
conda update conda
and received:
File "C:\Users\alex\.conda\envs\joyhallo-1\lib\subprocess.py", line 973, in __init__
self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
File "C:\…