The modality of calling indexed properties and shadowing are a bit mixed up:
let mutable i = 0
type T() =
member x.indexed1
with get (a1: obj) =
After scouring the [Lombok feature-list](https://projectlombok.org/features/index.html) and in particular the documentation for the [Getter/Setter](https://projectlombok.org/features/GetterSetter.html…
If I'm only using my property setter internally, it can get eliminated as dead code. Example (formatted for [online compiler](https://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home)):
// ==ClosureCompiler==
Currently there are the following setter functions in the net package for the IPConn, TCPConn, UDPConn, and UnixConn objects:
SetDeadline(t time.Time) error
SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error
Hello, i'm a huge fan of lombok project,
i wondered why the functionality of onMethod are not supported on class,
as mentioned in the official doc :
"The onX parameter is not legal on any typ…
current use addStaticProperty will get error, so how to bind class static const member to Lua?
### Bug description
Here are a couple of classes for holding and retrieving a value.
It demonstrates a mistake I genuinely made (not that good at Python ... yet!)
The contents of the file duff.…
because of the old code, it's tough to build the methods to get the data and update it. there are two this we can do right now.
1. **rewrite the code with the proper getter and setter method** or c…
### Describe the project you are working on
Godot engine
### Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project
Godot properties have underlying methods that can also be used to …
It would be nice to have aliases in @Getter and @Setter
In my case it would be handy in multilingual project
For example:
@Getter(aliases={"ключ"}) private long key;
As a shortcut for: