I propose to add closure-level inline constants. For example the following code
let closeure_uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
let lambda = || {
println!("Execution UUID {}",Uuid::new_v4());
Deployment to AWS Lambda needs to work with the constraints of the Lambda architecture - in particular, a lambda should not call another lambda. This is possible, but a bad idea, as you pay double - l…
- 구현된 내용
1. S3 버킷안에 json파일 업로드하는 Lambda 생성
2. S3 버킷에 파일 업로드시 업로드된 파일을 읽고 출력하는 Lambda 생성
3. AWS SNS로 고객 이메일에 원하는 내용을 적어서 이메일 보내는 Lambda 생성
4. 위의 1,2,3번 Lambda들을 서로 연결해서 자동화하기
- 구현 해야할 내용
_This issue was originally opened by @wadhekarpankaj as hashicorp/terraform#22397. It was migrated here as a result of the [provider split](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/upcoming-provider-changes-in-…
ghost updated
2 weeks ago
const Key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key);
const ext = Key.split('.')[Key.split('.').length - 1].toLowerCase();
gitcoin is a hackathon experience. and we can do income share agreements with hackers like the YC/lambdaschool model
When an Archetype is saved to the Archetypes folder,
Then generate an HTML monograph file in the main site,
And update the Archetype Index.
Implement lambda functions to provide icalendar-related processing capabilities.
- processing of icalendar requests (e.g. auto-delegation)
- publishing icalendar methods (e.g. publish upda…
requires authentication / registration