With the addition of so many new face bones, it's unfourtinate to hear that we will only be able to rotate these bones, rather than translate them with animations. This disregardes basic facial animat…
Seems that with Spring Boot 3.3.0 you have removed the single page variant of the reference documentation, as it now redirects to . Please restore it, it's necessary for
1. fast cross refere…
Hi, it would be beneficial to export the data used to generate the ADT's 8k texture that you allow for exporting. There are many usecases where it is needed to control PBR values per ground texture, a…
- `three` version: 0.155.0
- `@react-three/fiber` version: 8.13.7
- `@react-three/drei` version: 9.80.6
### Problem description:
I'm trying to load some models using useGltf or simply the …
I am having an issue exporting Ib's to blender. I have tried multiple different branches of the 3dmigoto import plugin to no avail on multiple versions of blender. I believed it was a "multiple" verte…
I am getting an error while I was trying to rename the column in the hudi table
%session_id_prefix native-hudi-dataframe-
%glue_version 3.0
%idle_timeout 2880
%worker_type G.2X
We have agreed to review the way PZero [PolyLine()](https://github.com/andrea-bistacchi/PZero/blob/08206e587bd01e9384867d9794bef3a925d87848/pzero/entities_factory.py#L443) entities - derived from vtkP…
Quick links
- Wikipedia
- EN: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Name
- PT: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/URN
- Uniform Resource Names (URNs): https://tools.ietf.org/html/…
If there is still interest in learning how this game works, I'd like to contribute some new findings.
Do you still have an interest in learning more about this game?
First thnx a lot for your awesome 'SCNTechniqueGlow' example.
I got crash issue on-runtime for some 3D models when I set `.categoryBitMask = 2`. Let me share the log output - maybe you can …