React Native IDE Android LOG
2024-06-04 14:22:42.862 [info]
2024-06-04 14:22:42.862 [info] > Task :react-native-screens:compileDebugJavaWithJavac
2024-06-04 14:22:42.862 [info]
async function newProject(projectName) {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token function
at Object.exports.runInThisConte…
## Expected behavior
The Centos 6 asset is able to run ruby code using native extensions compiled against Centos 6 glibc.
## Current behavior
The centos 6 asset errors when running ruby code …
As of ~30 mins ago, the build has been halting:
Installing ethon 0.10.1
Installing pg_query 0.9.2 with native extensions
No output has been received in the last 10m0s, this potentially ind…
Anaconda can be preferable to the system Python:
- it has MKL already integrated, which is often faster and also better at utilizing multiple cores
- installing packages like scipy, theano that need n…
Since a native Watch extension/app is needed, how are people adding this to their projects without having it overwritten after a new cordova build? Is there a common way to add other kinds of iOS exte…
Very tiny but great tool for highlighting used/rendered font in firebug
since firebug extensions will not work in firebug next
## Please list the related package(s)
- checkout-ui-extensions
- checkout-ui-extensions-react
## If this related to specific APIs or components, please list them here
## Is your…
Hi The principal reason some vendor specialy in mobile socs devices no/missing implemented supported null …
Hi! I can' install zendesk_apps_tools with gem.
zendesk_tools and zendesk_api work well but zendesk_apps_tools not.
Trying to install I get above error:
sudo gem install zendesk_apps_too…