Hello everyone wasn't sure where to post this issue.
Using the Facebook Sharing Debugger you can see what websites look like in a preview.
* 作者情報が著者のみで、翻訳者等は入っていない(図書カードの上部の「著者名」のデータをそのまま持ってきているので…)
* og:image:widthとog:image:heightは省略(つけるとエ…
I used skin.conf to translate your skin in french. There are very few fields who stay in english. Here are them.
![Main Page](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49792600/56531746-d400ef00-65…
JSON returned by OGP API is different on twitter and fixed website.
* twitter ( https://mstdn.hyogo.jp/@OrzBruford/100715698567161113 )
### すぐに実装で対応できるもの
- [x] 1 つ目のブロックだけで Block の append がうまくいかないことがある
- [x] 本文の途中でエンターを押すたびに「Type here...」が増え続ける
- [x] 本文の最後にカーソルがある状態でエンターを押すと次の行が表示されるがカーソルが移動しない
- [x] 本文の最初にURLを貼り付けるとURLごとその下の本文も…
AL the Japanese chars are messed up.
Links when previewed in other apps such as Discord or Riot should have better previews conforming to http://ogp.me/ such as
og:title - The title of your object as it should appear within the…
I share links to express.js websites often in my facebook groups, and it's a shame there is no image associated with the shared link. It onlt shows text without any image.
Even adding the logo would …
### Ultimate Member Version
Tell us what UM core version you use.
- [ ] 1.3.x
- [x] 2.x ( latest )
### Subject of the issue
After updating to latest version (which fixed this from our site: …
**I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x")
[x] bug report => check the README and search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting
[ ] support request => check the README and s…