I want to create a controller for an external type, ex. `core/v1.Pod` or `route.openshift.io/v1.Route`, and have kubebuilder be aware that this type is external (for commands I run after `crea…
### Bug report
I am seeing some behavior that might indicate a problem with large acquisitions of big images. I'm running a hamamatsu camera at about 25 frames per second for an extended period of…
I have started working with the package and it seems to be working well so far! It looks like it could be very helpful for my work.
I was wondering two things:
1. How should DeepSNiF typ…
I've tried reading in MCMicro example data provided [here](https://mcmicro.org/datasets/#exemplar-data-for-testing-mcmicro) and unfortunately I run into the following error:
full traceback
Thoralbsシステムからexportされたtiffファイルを、suite2p, caiman で処理できるように検証・調整する。
- Input sample data
- Thoralbs のexportデータは、標準でtiff形式となっている。
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-f1U_jdDSm30vgoQv7OnMLfN…
Thank you for this great tool.
Unfortunately, all my .mcd files seem to be corrupted, however they can be opened using the MCD viewer. Despite the error messages
(see example below), ome.…
### Bug Description
When performing an SCP export on an iDRAC8 with job_wait=true, the file is successfully exported, but Ansible reports that the task failed.
### Component or Module Name
Currently, we are using dask.coarsen to downsample, using the min of the pixels to be combined (e.g. in 2x downsampling, the min of the 4 pixels (2x2 in xy) for the lower resolution pyramid level.
In the output of ``bin/omero duplicate -h``
The following ``...if the duplicate had been run.`` possibly means to say something like ``just like if the duplicate was run``.
Possibly the complex tens…
### Work Environment
| Question | Answer
| OS version (server) | Ubuntu 20.04
| Cortex version / git hash | `3.0.1-1`
| Pa…