**Describe the bug**
- when AoT compiled, runtime `loadBalancerClientFactory.getInstances(serviceId, LoadBalancerLifecycle.class)` throw a `IllegalArgumentException(result)`
- keyword source code
I dont know if it's a issue. After i upgraded the springcloud version to 2020+, as I know its have remove ribbon and use springcloud load balancer.
my project is using consul as discove…
Resilience4j version: 1.7.1 or 2.0.2
Spring Boot Version: 3.0.0
Java version: 17
spring-cloud-dependencies: 2022.0.0-RC3
OpenFeign: 4.0.0-RC3
Good Morning, w…
## Description
Functionalities relying on HTTP calls started failing with the new version of the NewRelic Java agent across multiple apps.
Reverting to 7.9.x resolve those issues.
Maybe related …
Spring Boot version: 3.0.1
Spring Cloud version: 2022.0.0
Java version: 17
After updating to Spring Boot 3 many of the metrics stays always at 0.0:
# HELP resilience4j_timelimiter_calls_tot…
Vulnerable Library - feign-jackson-11.0.jar
Path to dependency file: /pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-databind/2.13.3/jackson…
I have a `FeignClient` I use with Eureka Service:
@FeignClient(name = "${feign.clients.hangar.name}", path = "${feign.clients.hangar.path}")
public interface SpaceshipClient {
// ap…
First of all, I create a MGR on MySQL 8.0.25 what are they one Primary and two SECONDARY.
I have a problem which is readwrite-splitting when using Spring Data JPA.
It's not wo…
## Existing configuration
- Kotlin 1.8.0
- Spring Boot 2.7.8
- Spring Cloud Dependencies 2021.0.5
- Spring Cloud OpenFeign 3.1.5
- Spring Cloud Sleuth 3.1.5
- Kotest
## Changed configuratio…
### Your question
从spring-cloud 2020.0.0 开始,spring-cloud-openfeign-core 中就没有ribbon了。
我们目前是 Hoxton.SR12,仍然还是有ribbon的版本,如果我升级2020.0.0及其以上,那么启动的时候