The tutorial I'm referencing and trying to complete is [here](https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8443/display/OpenSim/OpenSense+-+Kinematics+with+IMU+Data#OpenSenseKinematicswithIMUData-HowtoSetupt…
When accessing rows from a `Matrix`, `RowVector`s and `RowVectorView`s return different values when accessing element via `getContiguousScalarData`. It appears that `RowVectorView` is accessing data…
I've been looking for python api documentation other than the examples, If you guys can point me to the right direction on where to find the opensim python api for developers would be appreciated.
I am attempting to build opensim-core in a Ubuntu based apptainer container for use on our RHEL based HPC system. I have created an [apptainer definition file](https://github.com/cribe78/opensim-core…
Minor change (hopefully).
Downstream related issue: https://github.com/ComputationalBiomechanicsLab/opensim-creator/issues/730
Because OpenSim is published as a library, rather than an applicati…
Hello, I'm quite new to opensim creator and I'm having a lot of trouble getting my .mot(s) to load into either opensim or opensim creator. I'm making my own custom model for opensim and I'm not having…
# Overview
| | package | i586 | x86_64 | notes | resolution |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
# Notes
## Raw list x86_64
Hello, I'm creating a new myosuite Model from the Open Sim GenericAmputation Model.
I removed upper limbs muscles and kept with similar quantity of muscles than the lowerLimb existing model.
# Overview
| | package | i586 | x86_64 | notes | resolution |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| --- | office/MasterPDFEditor | :x: | :x: | Incorrect checksum, upstream change | Fixed in…
I think there is a bug in `getRowAtIndex`. I would expect to get the entire values of each row based on the index, but it returns the values in columns. Please see this example: