- [ ] [FastUI/README.md at main · pydantic/FastUI](https://github.com/pydantic/FastUI/blob/main/README.md?plain=1)
# FastUI
I'm trying to use smaz to compress some URL's, but most of the words aren't even in english. My data also doesn't contain the sequence "s o", or " ha". I could probably replace some of these occurrenc…
_From @jgvictores on April 20, 2016 10:59_
Issue inherited from wiki, where work has been done (resulting in [current TEO Diagrams](http://robots.uc3m.es/index.php/TEO_Diagrams)). The following is a …
This patch is based on recent results of "Nonlinear Invariants Attack" by Todo, Leander, and Sasaki in http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/732.pdf. For an mxm S-Box S, the attack requires to find m-variable…
We need to add the ability to do full-text search in the PSM.
This comes from a few search-related requirements:
> - psm-FR-2.14 The PSM shall use consistent provider naming conventions to diffe…
We need to parse the PDF report to a machine-readable format to facilitate the Python script reading the file. Here are some existing tools:
- To JSON:
- [ ] [unstructured](https://github.com/Unstru…
You mentioned preparing a windows build in your readme. I wanted to let you know that it built ok for me using the Microsoft 32-bit compiler (19.16.27040). There were two changes that I made:
- the…
Verify your identity by scanning the QR code with your phone
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# 💻 cs
## 📚 mask (total: 9)
### 📃 Deep Pneumonia: Attention-Based Contrastive Learning for Class-Imbalanced Pneumonia Lesion Recognition in Chest X-rays
- **Authors:** Xinxu Wei, Haohan Bai, Xianshi …
From https://github.com/metanorma/isodoc/issues/610
* Autonumbering will be handled through new attributes, so that the number of an asset (`@autonum`), and its label (`label`), are differentiated …