* I download updates for the previous day _after_ the day has changed in the IDLW (GMT-12) time zone to ensure replicability of a daily record subset
* E.g., this is downloading the Sep 27 updates on…
For the following data set, I cannot find the journal article or anything to go along with it:
"Study: Single cell RNA-seq of adult and pediatric glioblastoma."
[x] Outpatient Data
[x] BPAlerts - @ronlivs - 9/2019
[x] Access Logs - @JonathanChiang - 10/2019
[ ] Pediatric Data - Wui?
[x] Reidentified Dates - @noshad - 12/2019
[x] Heme…
### Issue:
deduplication for nysdoh_nursinghomes
(consider a group by for all different beds)
there's no `Total Residential Beds` nor `Total Adult Day Health Care Capacity`
previous logic:
SPTKL updated
4 years ago
A missing feature of the multiple spatial normalizations is the possibility of normalizing against two age ranges of a pediatric template (for instance).
At least for now, a warning noticing the us…
#### Scientific goals
_What are the scientific goals of the analysis?_
Subtype chordomas into poorly differentiated if contain INI1/SMARCB1 loss.
#### Proposed methods
_What methods do you…
Review of these terms, notes here on the review and actions, as this involves merging DO records and creating new subtypes.
**neuronal intestinal dysplasia** [DOID:0080072] - make parent term
In order to communicate better with those who consume our data, we need to document our categorization clearly.
This should be a separate wiki page from our Procedures page, to avoid confusion for …
I was using devise with devise-async and sidekiq, and when I upgraded to **Rails 5** I had to remove devise-async and I followed the guidelines mentionned [here](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wik…
안녕하세요, 여의도성모병원 안과의 장동진이라고 합니다.
https://github.com/ohdsi-korea/ThemisKorea/wiki/Suggestion-for-the-PROVIDER-table 의 원칙을 준수하며, 가톨릭중앙의료원의 Provider의 concept ID를 수정하던 도중, 다음을 논의드리고자 합니다.
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