How do I enable segment letters for the seven segment display?
每次修改之后编译会很慢, 要花个5-6秒。 请问有什么可以快速编译的方法吗?
Ubuntu 16.04;
Texmaker 4.4.1
1. 修改了哪里
2. 使用什么命令编译
3. 产生了什么错误/输出结果哪里不对
如果无法编译,请额外附上 log 文件,位于 out/zjuthesis.log
类似于 `10 元/小时`这种该如何添加空格呢?还是应该使用类似 `10 Yuan/Hour` 英语格式或者 `10 元每小时`的中文格式?
在整句话中,比如「今天租用了一台 10 元/小时的比亚迪小车」,该如何正确使用空格?
Xeath updated
5 years ago
I'm using `Vimtex(VimPlug, vim-auto-save)` + `Latexmk(TexLive)` + `Zathura`, and experiencing issues with my latexmmk compiling, and probably something related to pdflatex, the output of \lo is:
### Environment
- TeXstudio 2.12.16 (git n/a)
- Using Qt Version 5.12.3, compiled with Qt 5.12.3 R
- OS: Gentoo Linux
- TeX distribution: texlive
### Actual behavior
`separate-uncertainty` i…
For my document I'd like to use milli decibels (mdB), but siunitx gives an error, see the following code:
When I render out a text with one of above mentioned letters it just vanishes.
In: mængde
Out: mngde
I noticed that the mu and Angstrom symbols are missing from the normal font (there could be more too). In the mml to svg example, it uses a text element, so doesn't look completely broken. However, I'…