- [ ] [*Distributed Photometric Bundle Adjustment](https://vision.in.tum.de/_media/spezial/bib/demmel2020distributed.pdf)
- [x] [BA-NET: DENSE BUNDLE ADJUSTMENT NETWORKS](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.0…
- Update components to
+-- Ui
| +-- {simple universal components like button}
+-- Page1
| +-- {components for Page1 only}
+-- Page2
| +-- {components for Page2 only}
Dear Chris,
thank you again for your responsiveness on the different spots I was touching here. While sweeping through some parts of the code base for the last few days, I think we (re-)discovered …
amotl updated
2 years ago
[Original message](https://dhis2.slack.com/archives/C0BP0RABF/p1562524127132100) by @Philip-Larsen-Donnelly on Slack:
Hi guys. How possible do you think it would be to get `data-test-id` attributes…
I am trying to track down this issue on my tileserver-gl fork https://github.com/acalcutt/tileserver-gl/issues/5 . From what it looks like, it seems like only 1 of the 4 tiles is getting displayed.
Hi, I was trying to retrain your model as would like to conduct some experiments on this, however, I've got a few questions about the training process of SepConv++,
For training:
- You train usi…
At the moment, the pyramid-creation function returns a list of delayed arrays, for all levels, and they all include the full computation graph (including, for instance, the cellpose segmentation part)…
This is just a query.
I am running FastPAthology v1.0.1 on Win 11.
I run a pipeline for all images in my project. Is there a way to name the .tiff result file to 'image filename'.tiff (instead…
For a polytope `P`, both `NormalFan(P)` and `P.normal_fan()` return the inner normal fan having the inner facet normals as rays. The outer normal fan, using the outer facet normals, is well-known, b…
(openpcdet) zzp@zzp-pc:~/OpenPCDet/tools$ python demo.py --cfg_file ./cfgs/kitti_models/pointpillar_pyramid_aug.yaml --ckpt /home/juzhen/OpenPCDet/output/cfgs/kitti_models/pointpillar_pyramid_aug/defa…