Dev magazine upgraded to version
1. Create a page based on Boostrap template
2. Add a navigation widget
3. Edit the widget, include External URL and select template different from Horizontal,…
Using ASP.NET MVC, you can right click on the Views folder and get the "Add
View" option, which creates a new .ascx file.
After integrating NDjango as the view engine, the "Add View" option still…
I see there is a new package for adding Netwonsoft JSON so I'm guessing there are available extensibility points for controlling the JSON serialization.
We are using System.Text.Json, but wo…
What is the namespace or assembly name for class AppDomainSetup? At your given example AppDomainSetup not found. Project created using Visual Studio 15.7.3 and Asp.Net Core 2.1 MVC web project. Also …
We use precompiled pages for ASP.NET MVC on our site. Recently I tried to upgrade the StackifyLib nuget project from 2.1.0 to 2.1.3. When I did that I started getting an error during publish:
Does anyone create an MVC version?
I have problems to understand to view how it's works.
Please help!
Добрый день. Помогите разобраться. Создал проект в Visual Studio 2019 на базе asp.net core MVC. Добавил в проект вашу библиотеку. Не могу понять где должны хранится в проекте файлы *.dcm и какое у них…
It seems that **Polymorphic model binding** has critical limitations worth, if not addressing, at least mentioning.
Probably complex objects, that is, objects containing other, even non-polymorphic o…
We performed a scan for a web application that was developed using ASP.NET MVC Framework with HTML5/CSS3/JQuery as the front end. We found the scanner reported Bash ShellShock Injection vlunerability …