Bonjours ,
Cela doit faire 6 ans que j utilise votre plugin et je doit dire tout est nikel.
Jeedom va bien tôt passé en version 4.4 avec pas mal de modification dans le core.
Lien dispo [https://b…
### 概要
- タスクや日報の絞り込みに使用しているカレンダーは、django管理サイトで使用されるウィジェットを流用したものである
- 管理サイトへアクセスできなければ(管理サイトが無効となっている状態)、ウィジェットは表示されない
- その状態であってもYYYY-MM-DD形式の日付を直接入力することで絞り込むことは可能
- djangoモジュールより、必要部分を抽出し、アプリケーション…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
There is a hacking sprint on ToscaWidgets 2 scheduled for June 6th through June 8thAugust 26th through 28th.
This issue shall be used to collect ideas for features/goals that should be considered to …
I was wondering if there is a way to get multiple select in filter-control to work? For example, selecting two (or more) filters in a single dropdown.
Thanks & kind regards.
### TriliumNext Version
### What operating system are you using?
### What is your setup?
Local + server sync
### Operating System Version
macOs Sonoma 14.4
### Description
Open a…
The class `alignwide` on the `` wrapping class should extend the image inside beyond the width of the text column. The `alignfull` class is supposed to extend the image all the way to the outer bounda…
Maybe some css file is not loaded when I set in head loadAtOnce="true".
Its have visible defects in Dialogs close button and
Simple use-case: categories and products
When editing the product an expanded (multiple) choice field of categories is displayed.
However when you create a product before you have created any category…
infie@chill-arch ~ % nctelegram
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/nctelegram", line 93, in
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ncTel…
Inf1e updated
3 years ago