tested with ardour6.9 and cardinal 22.10 @ ubuntustudio 22.04
- module host midi not receiving midi start and stop messages (v/oct, gate and velocity works ok/host time works ok) from master
- it …
Kindly assign me the issue to imrove the UI/UX of this section under gssoc extd and hactoberfest
Bluetooth needs Broadcom firmware to be able to detect and connect to devices.
The driver can be downloaded [here](http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/ScopedViewRedirect.aspx?updateid=87a7756…
For some reason, SRC was not created for Alum Creek in 12090301 HUC. Needs to be investigated.
After some research, it was found that the original BLE model for this river has 2 problems:
1) Flow as…
Given an input string (s) and a pattern (p), implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*' where:
'.' Matches any single character.
'*' Matches zero or more of th…
## 一言でいうと
batch sizeを調整するCABSというルールを提案。mini batch sizeは確率的勾配のバリアンスに影響し、収束速度に大きく関係するため、重要なパラメタである。learning rateが大きい(小さい)場合はbatch sizeを大きく(小さく)する必要があるが((19)式の関係)、本手法ではその関係性に基いて自動でbatch sizeの調整を行う。従来手法と…
Add, improve, and enhance city/town fences.
Initially this is primarily for categorization purposes so alerts are more useful
e.g. Instead of just "💯 in CLT" => "💯 in ReedyCreekPark"
Fences to cover…
I've got an odroid h2+ x86 intel board inside of an arcade cab, running Ubuntu 22. I compiled the emulator and when i run the command: ./supermodel -config-inputs
The window comes up, but it won't ac…
Is it possible to create a directive that is the AND of three rules that is order independent? For example, I would like to trigger when rule A, rule B and rule C are satisfied, but I don't care what …
I have this sequence:
00000 devenv.exe, TestRunRequest:SendTestRunMessage: Starting.
00010 Informational: Loading tests from ...
00020 Timeout http request (because of firewall rule, without netwo…