In GitLab by @SGeeversAtVortech on Jul 18, 2023, 15:15
_Merges enable_delay_equations_for_simulation -> master_
Enable using delay equations in the simulation problem.
For now, delay equations only …
The C API [PyImport_AddModule()](https://docs.python.org/dev/c-api/import.html#c.PyImport_AddModule) returns a borrowed reference using a special dance added by commit https://github.com/python/cpytho…
## Environment:
WSL2 - Ubuntu22.04
python3.10 venv with CUDA 11.7
## Problem:
I can run `examples/readme.py` and `examples/simple_nlp.py` successfully,
*Before submitting a bug report, read the error messages in MATLAB. Some errors are there to inform you about inconsistent inputs for certain settings.*
**Describe the bug**
The simulation stop r…
In GitLab by @jarsarasty on Oct 24, 2023, 12:01
_Merges guidelines_contributions -> master_
This commit extends the guidelines for community contributions to RTC tools. It defines guidelines for cre…
### liionpack Version
### Python Version
Python 3.11.4
### Describe the bug
Crash with following code.
Np = 16
Ns = 1
Iapp = 90
# Generate the netlist
netlist = lp.setup_circuit…
* Nuitka version, full Python version, flavor, OS, etc. as output by *this*
> python -m nuitka --version
(Note that I also tested against nuitka==1.1.7 and got the same exact error)
I followed the (acados_template/c_templates_tera/main.in.c)'s instructions to build my c code, and I have encountered an issue iwhile using the acados_model_solver exported by python.
It repor…
Hi, I'm trying to use it on Windows11, it seems that the experimental/propagate_const is not available in the current standard library, is it possible to use it on windows like under conda environment…
Release notes: https://github.com/casadi/casadi/releases/tag/3.6.0
Will add as found
- time grid points should be passed when creating interpolator instead of when solving
- rootfinder errors